วันเสาร์ที่ 14 ธันวาคม 2567

Fact-Checking Policy

โพสต์โดย Jarm team



We strive for 100% accurate headlines and apply a rigorous review process to everything, such as news articles on the website. Rumors have been identified and internal reports to ensure discrepancies between confirmed data and industry rumors that are of interest to our readers.

Before writing any article. We certify that the information is new and accurate. And always delving into the source (and references, if applicable) before the writing process begins. Although other news outlets have reported unqualified pieces of news for official confirmation. We need 100% confirmation for accuracy. We don't post clickbaits, Jarm.com articles are not just news reports. Instead, we provide industry-leading context that explains why the news is important to all realder.

Jarm.com team is made up of writers from diverse backgrounds in every aspect of the news industry and entertainment industry that captures the passion for all things entertainment and the goal of delivering the best content and the most engaging for our website visitors.

Our writers and editors are industry experts – and make sure every new article is up to date. Most accurate information and all related details when we are the country's leading news source. We therefore follow the basic principles of journalism.

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